Mathematical Reasoning Book 1


Author: Mohan Dhall, Publisher: Five Senses

SKU/ISBN 9781760323806

Year Level Year 4, Year 5, Year 6
Edition 1st
Date of Publication April 2021
ISBN 9781760323806
Subject Maths




For selective school tests, opportunity class tests and problem-solving.

Questions and fully worked solutions for the new Selective Test with strategies that utilise a range of thinking skills: analysis, comparison, calculation, patterns, numerical relationships, symbolic representations, ordering, abstraction, grouping, estimation and more.

Practice on the problems in this book will help students to develop a range of mathematical reasoning skills. Prior to practising, students should read through the section at the start which provides strategies. Using these strategies will be helpful to developing the skills required to think through complex problems.

About the Author

Mohan Dhall is an experienced teacher and teacher-educator, author and educational manager. Trained in gifted education, Mohan has developed many critical thinking courses for students and has also trained teachers in critical and creative thinking skills. As Director, he ran one of Australia’s longest running school based centres for gifted children. He has written hundreds of different types of critical thinking questions and had more than 70 books published. Mohan is currently the Academic Leader of M2K Education and Advisory.


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